I was able to bring down the mortgage principal balance to $158,902.45 this month. I doubt very much that I'll add any more money to the principal this month and August may be a bit too tight. Come September, I am hoping to do more since I'll be working by then.
I finally came up with a bare bones budget ($3670). We have enough savings to cover our bare necessities for at least 12 months and 6 months of mortgage payments for our rental properties. I will continue to add money to our savings in smaller quantity as our priority right now is to pay off our four walls and continue with my retirement contributions.
I also continue to stock up on can goods, toiletries, rice and beans just in case. No directives yet as to how our state will reopen schools in September. Our school district promised that we should know by August 4th. Let's see what happens.
An update
July 23rd, 2020 at 03:43 am
July 23rd, 2020 at 11:41 am 1595500912
July 23rd, 2020 at 03:41 pm 1595515291
July 26th, 2020 at 07:33 pm 1595788386
I agree, I'm not really sure what to believe as far as the news. So many conflicting stories.