April 20th, 2020 at 04:32 am
I honestly lost count on how many days we've been in quarantine. I think it's been 33 days with many more to go. As you may already know, New Jersey has been hit hard trailing New York. It seems that everyday, there are over 3,000 people testing positive for COVID-19. The last count for our town is 367 positive and 11 deaths. Our county is the ninth in the state with positive COVID. Our governor said that the curve has been flattening, but the amount of stories of people losing their love one is heartbreaking. The paper featured a story of a family who stayed on the phone with their dying father for 36 hours. They just wanted him to know that they were there even if it was not physically. I cried.
Not all is negative, lots of communities have banned together to collect food and money. Today, my BFF dropped off a bag of potatoes and beer for my husband just because I mentioned it in a conversation. On a personal level, I feel that this has brought me closer to my faith. Going forward, I hope not to take things for granted. Financially speaking, the last 30 days have been the lowest in terms of money spent on life. My cc closed yesterday at a little less than $800. It's usually about $1300-$1500. We charge everything and pay the credit card in full at the end of the month.
Please stay safe and well.
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April 15th, 2020 at 08:18 pm
It's payday today. As always, grateful that I still get a paycheck even when schools are not in session. COVID19 continues to be devastating in my state and in my town, there are close to 300 people with the virus and 10 deaths have occurred. One, a person that I was acquainted with. We went to the same high school. I confess that I've been an emotional wreck during this pandemic; I've been praying for humanity and those afflicted with the disease. I hope that when it passes, we come out of it better human beings. Both of my sons are still working so I pray for their safety all the time.
Financially, we are in a good place. The stimulus check will be used to pay the mortgage on one of our rental homes. So far, in that specific home, one of the tenants will not be paying his rent. We reassured him that we understand and to concentrate his efforts on having food on the table and utilities paid. He has two small children and their well-being is most important. He mentioned that he has enough food to last him for a while. Last month, I saved the $1,500 that we usually profit from the rental properties to cover part of the mortgages this month if necessary. That money used to go towards the FL house mortgage. The goal is to stay away from the savings account. So far, we've been reimbursed for homeowner's insurance and the escrow reimbursement is on its way (according to Wells Fargo).
That's it for today. Please be safe and stay well.
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